Drum Jam offers exciting visual arts workshops that your students will find irresistible. From whole school arts weeks to one off workshops, we have something to fit almost every school event or budget.

We offer a variety of visual arts workshops including: headdress and mask making workshops, Junk instrument making workshops, screen printing workshops, batik workshops, puppet and giant making workshops, Carnival King and Queen costume making workshops. Every Drum Jam workshop is led by expert facilitators that are all professional visual artists as well  as being first class facilitators and educators.


For all of our workshops pupils will gain transferable skills including: problem solving, coordination, arts skills, confidence building, working as a group, group bonding and having fun. Visual arts activities are proven to improve well-being of students, which in turn increases productivity at school.

Click the tabs below to see what we have on offer


In a short space of time, our visual arts workshop leaders will get students making their own Carnival inspired headdress and/or mask from whichever culture or theme they are focusing on. Perfect for younger students, they can get a real taster of the building blocks of Carnival headdress making. En-masse these headdresses create a colourful spectacle which compliments our other creative workshops. We can work to whatever size budget available and create something wonderful and fun to wear.


Our recycled Carnival project, one man’s junk is another man’s treasure. This workshop encourages to re-use every day objects and makes them into something fun and creative, whether it be a junk-eco inspired costume or instruments to play in other element of your creative workshop day with us, we’ll be able to transform rubbish and plastic into something fantastic. This workshop is perfect for eco and green themed arts days, promoting sustainability and up cycling.



Design and print your own patterns using this relatively modern technique. Traditionally used on paper and fabrics, this technique can be transferred to a variety of different mediums and fabrics. Our expert team will guide students through this wonderful art form from design, making screen, and printing – it’s a wonderfully hands on workshop and students will get great satisfaction exploring colours and shapes and learning a new technique.


This age old technique will teach students how to create wonderful patterned fabric from scratch. This amazing, ancient technique uses hot wax onto fabric to create patterns, designed by students, then paint dye onto the fabric to be displayed as a stand-alone piece or even be turned into costume or other objects.


Create a spectacular showpiece for your school to display or to be used in a parade or school show. Over a day or over a longer period, our expert puppet builders will work closely with you and students to create something amazing. Working with any theme, this workshop promotes interest in construction and structural based making. Building a giant object requires students to work as a team combining many different elements to the finished product. Students will also gain additional experience in puppeteering or large structures and we could even incorporate the drama and dance department into bringing your creations to life. These workshops are bespoke and require specialist consultation with our makers. Get in touch to discuss your requirements and let’s make something amazing.


Traditionally at the head of a Carnival parade, Carnival Kings and Queens are the focal point of any Carnival troupe. Students will work closely with our experts working on theme, design and construction to create a showpiece the school can use over and over again. Students will also gain knowledge of the history of Carnivals from all over the world and how they can design something that is meaningful and explore theme and concepts transferred visually into something amazing.



To offer the best experience we tend to need the day in your school although shorter and longer sessions are easy to accommodate. If you wish you can add music, visual arts, (head-dresses, puppets, costumes), Capoeira, Circus Skills, and each requires an additional artist

How many children can we work with?

Each artist works with a maximum of thirty at any one time. Parallel sessions are normal, so that for two artists 60 children are in a workshop at one time.

How long are the sessions?

Sessions last from one hour to a morning/afternoon depending on how many children you want to involve, your school timetable and spaces available.

What equipment does Drum Jam provide?

We will get in touch with you to see what resources you have in school and calculate the cost for materials per-students depending on what package you choose.

What does the school need to provide?

We usually need a main hall for a demonstration by our artistic team at the start of the day and at the end of the event if you wish the children to share a brief presentation.

We need a suitable making/art space.

Anything else?

We offer a number of exciting packages and music services in schools and we offer a free bespoke planning service.


11 + 7 =

Call our events team

Tel:020 7078 4068

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